Rental Buddy apartment
rental site concept

Challenge: Create a responsive apartment rental site that is familiar yet unique.

Deliverables: User research, competitive audits, user stories, journey maps, wireframes, UI, prototypes, and usability studies.

Role: Product Designer

Platforms: Web/Mobile

Timeline: 2 months

Tools: Adobe XD

rental buddy hero image

Apartment hunting can be scary

Looking for a new apartment is always a big step. No matter if it is your first time moving away from home or just moving to a new place. As someone who has moved myself a few times and has moved across the country it can be exciting and daunting. My job with Rental Buddy is to create a site to will help users by putting them at ease and providing as much support as possible for their new journey.

Competitive Audit

In order to better understand the apartment rental market a competitive audit was conducted. Each apartment rental site was evaluated on unique value proposition, visual design, features, accessibility, and user flow. Three key Competitors were identified Westside rentals, Zillow, and Hotpads.


A Los Angeles based rental company which I have identified as a indirect competitor. They market themselves as the number one home finding service in the Los Angeles area. They are a branch of a nationally known rental site. Westside rental focuses primarily on the southern California area. Their specialized network gives access to a significant amount of rentals in this area.


  • Color branding is seen throughout website.
  • Gives information about the number of listings currently available and how many of those are new on the homepage.


  • Listings can include information section about area it is in.
  • Listings can have indicators to let potential renters know if it has been already rented.

An American online real estate market place I have identified as a direct competitor. They market themselves as one of the leading real estate market sites in the U.S. They offer home sales and home evaluations, rentals, and price comparisons.


  • Has a clear hierarchy with its information on homepage.
  • Indicates when listing was last updated.


  • Feature number of applications on the property
  • Needs a required number of photos for people who are listing as well as minimum size of photos

A map based rental and real estate site I have identified as a direct competitor. They market themselves as allowing users to search housing through their interactive map which conducts a location based search.


  • Clear search map and good use of logo as pinpoints on map
  • Allows you to see how long your commute is from your apartment to your job, or any other destination.


  • Feature number of applications on the property and if their is a application fee.
  • Needs indicator when properties are off market.

Understanding the users

I asked people who are looking for a new apartments, or just moved to a new apartment what they felt about using apartment rental sites and the process they went through especially since covid is such a big factor at the moment of this case study. As well as what features they believe they need to accomplish their goal of finding a new apartment. Through their insight I was able to use it to build my user persona.

Evelyn's User Journey

Goal: Needs to find an apartment since she got a job in a new city.

Low-fidelity prototype

I started my design process with a digital low-fidelity prototype and then showed it to five users to collect feedback.

rental buddy low fidelity prototype
usability insights

Changes made after the usability study results

1) Added preferences to rental buddy selection page.

During the usability study I noticed users looking around this page more than usual. I soon learned that those who brought it up wanted a way to choose how they want to see the apartment so I added preferences along the left column under the time of day tab to allow them to notify the potential buddy that they wanted either a phone call at the time of viewing, photos, videos, or a facetime call.

Before Usability study

before usability study

After usability study

after usability study

2) Making the rent a buddy cta more predominant on the listing page.

During the usability study I was asked why the rent a buddy button was not more predominant on the listing page. Due to the feature being what makes the site unique I decided to change the hierarchy of the buttons available on the page and make the rent a buddy button stand out more.

Before usability study

before usability study 2

After usability study

after usability study 2

Our guide through this journey, the design system.

design system

High-Fidelity Prototype

hifi header

Mobile Adaption

An important part of any company is the mobile adaption of their site. Since most rental sites have a dedicated app I followed the same path and did my best to keep the app version of rental buddy as clear and concise as I could.

Key takeaways

This project was an enjoyable challenge for me because it made me think outside the box, and think of how I can make this rental site unique and really benefit the user. By adding the rental buddy feature the feedback I received was positive. My next steps for the Rental Buddy site would be to develop the rent a buddy feature further to explore how far it can go.

"I like the website, it is easy to use, and I like that I can have someone that is trusted and reviewed to view an apartment on my behalf when I can't."

-Lauren B

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